Project Labor Agreement Advisory Services Work Plan
SSG, has tremendous experience working as intermediary between the various unions and the owners of the projects, to facilitate and negotiate an appropriate Project Labor Agreement. We are experienced in the drafting of the agreement and in gaining consensus with regard to the overall document.
Through the course of this work, SSG has skill in producing a PLA that will include, but may not be limited to the following labor interests and/or concerns:
• Basic Provisions
• Scope of Agreement
• Subcontracting
• Wages and Benefits
• Union Recognition
• Work stoppages and Lockout
• Hours of Work, Holiday and Safety
• Grievance Procedure
• Jurisdictional Disputes
• Joint Labor Management Meetings
• Working side-by-side with open-shop contractors
As part of this process, our advisory services will include the following:
- Assist with outlining and processing PLA with the various unions and the owner of the project as required
- Provide on-going updates on union outreach and agreement to client in team meetings
- Identify remedies for resolution of issues with unions as required
- Secure signatures
- Work with SSG team and client to determine opportunities based on assessment of trade work and schedule
- Initiate pre-job conference with Local Union reps and contractors as required by PLA
- Evaluate veterans and other stakeholder’s organization serving veterans to enhance strategies for inclusion based upon initial trade scope and project
- Design and execute alternative outreach methods, communications, events and collateral materials as needed.
- Provide on-going monitoring and method of recording participation and positive effect.
- Advise client on opportunities to expand community benefits meeting DWP public policy objectives
- Provide on-going outreach in Phase 1 to appropriate trade organizations, working with administrators, veterans, unions, training organizations to expand participation
SSG will provide the client a draft PLA. Upon final review and approval, SSG will secure signed agreements from all relevant labor organizations and submit to the owner/project municipality, for final approval and execution.